Battlefront II ultimately lands as an adequate-but-forgettable combination of polish, bombast, and been-there-done-that shooter tropes. But that has been Scarif-massacre levels of difficult. I kept all of these optimistic angles in mind as I booted the new game-and as I used my lightsaber of fandom to try to carve through its confusing economies. And I thought 2015's reboot of the Star Wars: Battlefront game series was perfectly satisfactory as an accessible online action game. I'm a big fan of DICE as a creator of high-polish, massively multiplayer online shooters. I really dig Star Wars-and I've generally appreciated when the series has expanded its universe in video game form.

I've tried to give the new video game Star Wars: Battlefront II a fair shake, and I tried to do so through three types of fandom, at that. Platform: Xbox One (reviewed), PS4, Windows